Barcode symbologies

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Single dimension codes (linear)

Numeric codes

Universal Product Code
used by North American Distribution Industry
European Article Numbering system
EAN 8, EAN 13
Japanese Article Numbering system
JAN 8, JAN 13
Character set: 0-9
Interleaved 2 out of 5
aka Material Handling Institute standard USD-1
Uniform Symbol Description 1
Character set: 0-9


Two versions:
MHI standard USD-4
American Blood Commission (ABC) standard
Character set: $+-./0123456789: and ABCD (used for Start/Stop codes only)
3 of 9 code
aka MHI standard USD-3
aka Code 39
Character set: (SPACE) $%+-./ and 0-9 and A-Z and “*” (used for start/stop codes only)
Extended 3 of 9 code
provides full 128 character ASCII set
aka Extended code 39
Characters $/+% followed by a upper-case letter can represent other ASCII characters
ASCII 000 (NULL): %U
ASCII 001-026: $A-$Z
ASCII 027-031: %A-%E
ASCII 032 (space): (space)
ASCII 033–044 !”#$%&’()*+, : /A-/L
ASCII 045 -: - (also /M ??)
ASCII 046 .: . (also /N ??)
ASCII 047 /: /O
ASCII 048-57 (0-9): 0-9 (also /P-/Y)
ASCII 058 :: /Z
ASCII 059 ;: %F
ASCII 060-064 <=>?@ : %G-%J, %V
ASCII 065-090 A-Z: A-Z
ASCII 091-096 [\]^-` : %K-%O, %W
ASCII 097-122 a-z: +A-+Z
ASCII 123-126 ??}~: %P-%S
ASCII 127 (DEL): %T (also %X, %Y, %Z)

Full ASCII (7-bit)

Code 128
ISO/IEC 15417:2007
108 symbols (103 data, 3 start, 2 stop); 3 black bars and 3 white spaces, each 1–4 modules wide; each symbol is 11 modules wide; sum of bar module widths must be even within each symbol
Overall code must be a minimum of 34 modules wide (54 modules including quiet zones) or 10 bars minimum (for ‘null’ data, if allowed?)
Total module width: 34 + 11n
Total module width, including quiet zones: 54 + 11n
Total number of bars: 10 + 3n
Data length <= (NumBars - 10 )/3
Possible Code 128 if (NumBars - 10) mod 3 == 0
Note: invisible characters (control characters and FNC1–4 count but will not show up in input or output text length)
shifts between three code sets (A, B, and C) to enable representing all 7-bit ASCII characters
Code sets A and B cover 128 characters; code set C represents digits more efficiently
1. Start symbol (A: 211412, B: 211214, or C: 211232; 211133 is ‘reverse stop’ symbol indicating barcode is upside down, so either way code always starts with ‘211’!)
2. Encoded characters
3. Check symbol (weighted sum, modulo 103, of all symbols up to check position)
4. Stop symbol (233111 or 211133 reverse)
5. Final bar (2 modules wide)
Character sets:
128A (Code set A): ASCII 00-95; 0–9, A–Z, control codes (except 127, ␡), special characters (<space> !”#$%&’()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_), and FNC1–4
128B (Code set B): ASCII 32-127; 0-9, A-Z, a-z, ␡, special characters (from code A, plus `{|}~), and FNC1–4
128C (Code set C): digits 00-99 and FNC1 (each group of two digits is stored with one of 100 different symbol patterns)
If an odd number of digits is to be encoded, shift to Code A or Code B prior to the final digit
Code A and code B use the same symbols to encode characters common to both codes
FNC4 causes next character to shift by adding (or subtracting) 128 from the ASCII value. FNC4FNC4 acts as a ‘shift lock’ until that double code occurs again.
10 module quiet zone required at beginning and end of code
Shifting between code sets:
From A: code 98(shift->B), 99(->C), 100(->B)
From B: code 98(shift->A), 99(->C), 101(->A)
From C: code 100(->B), 101(->A)
FNC characters
Code A: code 96 (FNC3), 97 (FNC2), 101 (FNC4), 102 (FNC1)
Code B: code 96 (FNC3), 97 (FNC2), 100 (FNC4), 102 (FNC1)
Code C: code 102 (FNC1)

Subset of Code 128
Formerly known as UCC/EAN-128

Two dimensional codes (linear, stacked)


Portable Data File with 4 bars (both light and dark, per symbol/codeword) and 17 units (modules) long)
Symbol Technologies, c. 1991
ISO 15438
  • Rows: 3–90
  • Row hight at least 3 times minimum width (module width?)
  • One unit spacing between elements:
  • Base 929 encoding
  • 900 codewords for data; 29 for special functions
  • Each pattern:
  • 4 dark bars
  • 4 light bars
  • 17 units total
  • always starts with a dark bar
  • always ends with a light bar (i.e. whitespace)
  • Three sets of bar patterns for each codeword: 0, 3, and 6
  • these clusters are alternated between rows
  • this allows any single row to be identified to a ROW mod 3
  • Encoding modes:
  • Binary / byte: 6 bytes per 5 code words, then one byte per code word for excess bytes
  • Numeric: n digits encoded in [n/3]+1 codewords
  • Maximum 44 digits in 15 codewords
  • Text: Each codeword encodes 2 Base 30 digits, which represent printable ASCII (plus CR, LF, HT) with four submodes:
  • Uppercase: A-Z, SPACE, ->LOWER, ->MIXED, ->NextDigitPunctuation
  • Lowercase: a-z, SPACE, ->NextDigitUPPER, ->MIXED, ->NextDigitPunctuation
  • Mixed: 0-9, CR, TAB, SPACE, « &,:#-.$/+%*=^ », ->PUNCT, ->LOWER, ->UPPER, ->NextDigitPunctuation
  • Punctuation: « ;<>@[\]_`~!,:-.$/“|*()?{}’ », CR, TAB, LF, ->UPPER
  • Between 2–512 error detection and correction codewords added, using a Reed-Solomon ECC
  • 51 square modules needed to represent 10 bits, compared to 8 modules for 8 bits with codes such as DataMatrix or QR codes, or 4 times as much area for the same amount of data (excluding metadata and space used for ECC)
Quiet zone, left
Start pattern
811111121 (11111111010101000)
Left Row Indicator
17 units
Encodes row number and ECC level
Data Codewords
16 + 1 units each
Quantity: 1–30 per row
Right Row Indicator
16 + 1 units
Stop Pattern
18 units
711311121 (111111101000101001)
Quiet zone, right

Two dimensional codes (square)



QR code

  • Max characters, numeric: 7,089 (3.33 bits/char)
  • Max characters, alpha: 4,296 (5.5 bits/char)
  • Max characters, binary: 2,953 bytes (8 bits/char)
  • Dots per side (min 21): 17 + (4 x version number)

Character sets:

  • Numeric (10 characters): 0–9
  • Alphanumeric (44 characters): 0–9, A-Z, (space), $%*+-./:
  • Binary: ISO/IEC 8859-1 (LATIN-1)

4 error correction levels:

  • Level L: 7% data loss allowed
  • Level M: 15% data loss allowed
  • Level Q: 25% data loss allowed
  • Level H: 30% data loss allowed

9 Modes:

  • 0000 | 00 : End of message
  • 0001 | 01 : Numeric
  • 0010 | 02 : Alphanumeric
  • 0011 | 03 : Structured append
  • 0100 | 04 : Byte encoding
  • 0101 | 05 : FNC1 in first position
  • 0110 | 06 : (unassigned??)
  • 0111 | 07 : Extended Channel Interpretation (ECI)
  • 1000 | 08 : Kanji encoding
  • 1001 | 09 : FNC1 in second position
  • 1010 | 10 : (unassigned?)
  • .... | .. : (unassigned?)
  • 1111 | 15 : (unassigned?)

Two dimensional codes (rectangular)

Two dimensional codes (other)


  • TEC-IT

See also

  • “Elements Of A Bar Code System” (HP application note 1013, part number 5953-7732)