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{in response to a post at DSLReports.com (it was too old to reply directly)}

As far as I can tell, the current software version (as of October, 2011) for the HWIC-CABLE-D-2 is 2.103.1013/2.103.1013g. This is the version I have as well as the version on the CableLabs certified equipment list.

The 2.103.1019a version ... mentioned (C21031019aFU06192008_MAC14.CDF) appears to be for the HWIC-CABLE-E/J-2, which is the European/Japanese version of the HWIC - their standards (Euro-DOCSIS 2.0, J-DOCSIS 2.0) use different frequency bands so it is likely that the software is not compatible with your card.

Update: September 27th, 2012: Software releases to-date are as follows:

HWIC-CABLE-D-2 Cable Modem HWIC FCS Firmware (North America)

 26-AUG-2007  /  Release 2.103.1013g  / Filename: C21031013gFU05122006.CDF
 20-DEC-2007 / Release 2.103.1014b  /  Filename: C21031014bFU07192007.CDF
 12-FEB-2009  /  Release 2.103.1019a  /  Filename: C21031019aFU06192008_MAC14.CDF

HWIC-CABLE-E/J-2 Cable Modem HWIC FCS Firmware (Europe / Japan)

 26-AUG-2007 / Release 2.104.1013i / Filename: C21041013iFU07192006.CDF
 20-DEC-2007  /  Release 2.104.1014b  /  Filename: C21041014bFU07192007.CDF
 12-FEB-2009  /  Release 2.104.1019a  /  Filename: C21041019aFU06192008_MAC14.CDF

Using the Cisco Software Navigator download page, the current version can be found under Products -> Cisco Interfaces and Modules -> Cisco WAN Interface Cards -> Cisco 1-Port DOCSIS-based Cable High-speed WAN Interface Card (HWIC).

{the following was posted in response to a forum question at Whirlpool.net.au}

I have the same setup (Cisco 1841 with HWIC-CABLE-D-2) working in the states with my cable provider. To set it up, I told them I had a Cisco DPC2325, which they happened to have a config file for.

If you check the CableLabs certified product list [1], you will find all of the current certified Cisco modems. Just try giving each model to your cable provider until your connection works.

If you run the following command[2], the "Cable IP address" listed _should_ be a private one (i.e. 10.x.x.x, 172.x.x.x, or 192.168.x.x). Each end of the cable link (between your modem and their CMTS) will have its own private IP address.

  1. sh controllers Cable-Modem 0/1/0 status

If you run the following command, the "Internet address" shown should be your public IP address. You will have to have already configured the cable-modem interface for DHCP, of course [3].

  1. show interface Cable-Modem 0/1/0 | include Internet

If both of these addresses appear, check your connectivity by pinging a known good host (such as a Google public DNS server) from the router:

  1. ping

I realize that the original poster has likely moved past this issue, but I hope this information will be useful to others in the future.


– Jim

[1] http://www.cablelabs.com/certqual/lists/
[2] adjust the slot number (0/1/0 or 0/1/1) as appropriate
[3] # config terminal
(config)# interface Cable-Modem 0/1/0
(config-if)# ip address dhcp