Text expansion software
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Also known as AutoText or Text replacement software, or keyboard macros
- Built-in
- Free; Mac + iOS
- aText
- Free; Mac + Windows[1]
- Tran Ky Nam Software: https://www.trankynam.com/atext/
- Windows store: https://apps.microsoft.com/store/detail/9N68HC1SRR0K?hl=en-us&gl=US
- Mac (legacy): https://www.trankynam.com/atext/legacy.html
- Breevy
- $34.95; Windows only
- 16 Software: http://www.16software.com/breevy/
- Can sync via Dropbox with TextExpander
- PhraseExpress
- Free or paid ($80.62 / $120.96 / $201.63, as of October 2022); Mac and Windows; paid version requires online registration (cannot use on air-gapped systems)
- Premium versions include a template-based Document generator
- Bartels Media GmbH: https://www.phraseexpress.com/
- Mac App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/autotext-text-expander-phraseexpress/id926194820?mt=8
- TextExpander
- Paid (subscription only!; $39.96/year to $129.96/year); Mac + Windows + iOS
- Smile Software: https://smilesoftware.com/ https://textexpander.com
- Standalone (Mac) - $44.95: https://textexpander.com/textexpander-standalone-apps/
- Previous versions: https://textexpander.com/standalone/download-thanks
- Espanso
- Free & open-source; Mac + Linux + Windows
- https://espanso.org/
- Federico Terzi: https://federicoterzi.com/
- Extensible; shell support; custom scripts; forms
- Unix-style file-based configuration
- SubReddit (/r/espanso): https://www.reddit.com/r/espanso/