
From Library
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  • Create a site with universal schemas / taxonomies / etc.
  • similar site for open-source 3D models and 2D diagrams / layouts
  • Group similar items and version control (allow redaction of short-lived mistakes, though; long-lived mistakes, once discovered should be maintained but with errata and links to a corrected or improved version)
  • functional patent database
  • e.g. show every iteration of a mousetrap as a tree, so improvements and evolution over time can be explored
  • visual browser for linked data with parametric data display / search
  • e.g. show all species of trees, allowing display / sorting by genetics, physical characteristics, commercial characteristics, geographic distribution (current, projected, or historic), etc.
  • allow marking which entries have been 'seen' by a particular user, and when
  • tree-based browser history
  • Record all pages for each tab separately, and record which tabs spawned from where (hierarchical, not graph?)
  • 'one user-friendly markup to rule them all'?
  • perhaps this has to be an app, with customizable input and output 'modes' that can be switched in real-time (imagine an old-style keyboards with physical buttons that input control codes for various markup features (e.g. bold, outline child, outline parent, etc.)
  • possibly support arbitrary data structures (for non-programmers)
  • an application of easy-to-use stylesheets
  • e.g.: the benefits of using stylesheets in computer programs such as Microsoft Word are well-known, but usage is low among casual users. How can the UI be improved / 're-imagined' to increase user benefits?
  • Check vendor documentation, trade publications, instructional books, patent applications, and academic research for leads
  • structured document software
  • each page (or partial-page section, or multiple-page section) is effectively a mail merge template displaying one record of a flat-file database table
  • no manual template editing is necessary. As data is added to one record (or it is formatted), placeholders (collapsable or not) are automatically created on all other pages
  • records / pages with unique fields should be able to be identified, but a 'field' should not be able to be deleted
  • this can be done manually today in Microsoft Word or FileMaker Pro, but it should be easier and more collaboration-friendly
  • see also: automatic form generation; real-time schema generation
  • chart / database of which data formats can convert (lossless-ly) to another format
  • also for file formats, programming languages, printer PDLs, etc.
  • (along with grammar suggestions?)
  • user-generated thesaurus, dictionary, or custom PIM
  • flashcard or list data
  • automatically generated (or 'hinted') concept maps based on typed words / phrases over time
  • 'If we were to start over today, from scratch, what would we do?'
  • further review
  • patent search (live or queued)
  • addition to one or more temporary or persistent list / stack / grouping
  • processing by a user-controlled data detector-type plugin or script
  • 'Multi-level' hypertext system, where the 'clickable' words are in 'multiple sets
  • different sets activated by a keyboard modifier key or third mouse button
  • reference footnote links could be hidden by default, but easily exposed
  • another modifier key could allow any word (or selection) to be treated as a hyperlink / search term
  • Hover 'pop-ups' (like Wikipedia page previews or iOS Safari link previews) with various information automatically displayed (in tabs? with a 'favorites' section displayed like character browsers)
  • language: definition, synonyms, part of speech, translations, etc.
  • search: other instances in the same document (could even be used, e.g. to make sure one isn't repeating the same word too often in an e-mail message)
  • computer programming: explain purpose of a command or symbol, or even an entire line/function, when possible
  • synonyms in one or more alternate languages
  • mathematics: result of a simple calculation, or the results of an equation entered into Google Search or Wolfram Alpha
  • geography: map, weather and climate, postal code, demographics, political boundaries, fire district, utility companies, geological information, etc.; when an address or coordinates are selected
  • basically, what an intelligent co-worker or research librarian could do if you pointed at something and asked a question!!!
  • see also: tooltips, 'classic' Mac OS help bubbles (an example that toggles on and off easily)
  • Programming code browser pop-up
  • Classic Mac OS 'show'/'do' help procedures (with steps and UI elements highlighted / circled)
  • Mind-map auto-generated based on the order in which elements of a document or outline were added / edited (i.e. new lines or paragraph appended or inserted; words or phrases changed; allow toggling off to allow copyediting)
  • Track a copied (and changed) piece of data, such as a paragraph or outline item, through time and space
  • Manually typed entries are excluded. If I copy one paragraph to an e-mail, regardless of whether I subsequently make changes to it, that relationship is tracked / recorded / browsable (much as the human brain does)
  • In recording ideas for knowledge management / work, am I really (in an inadvertent and 'round-about' way) trying to record / understand / analyze something about human cognition (or perhaps just 'my' experience of my own cognitive processes)?
  • Custom iOS keyboard for entering common text markups, such as WikiText, Markdown, HTML/XML/SGML/SVG, LaTeX, bbCode etc.
  • Is there (or could there be) an iOS/Android keyboard that can be edited by a casual user, such as someone's grandfather?
  • Best way(s) to organize (both for a human and programmer) 3D (or even 4D) tabular data?
  • GUI editor that produces (and imports) plain-text tables from graphical ones?
  • What comes next, after:
  • Are these already available?
  • Record intention, not syntax ==> facilitates automatic upgrading or downgrading over time!
  • Separate control flow / data / syntax / naming

  • Something to automatically sort / categorize/ 'make sense of' the list above! 👆